The Catholic Diocese of Salt Lake City is committed to ensuring the safety of children, young people and vulnerable adults. All Parishioners of St. James the Just Catholic Church may visit the website of the Catholic Diocese of Salt Lake City and review the safe environment webpage to review policy, learn more about the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, and much more.
Who needs Safe Environment Training?
Compliance in the Diocese of Salt Lake City Safe Environment Program is a prerequisite to having regular contact with children, youth and vulnerable adults. After initial certification, compliance is required every three years. All diocesan personnel and volunteers (ages 11+) serving as ministry leaders having regular contact with children, youth and vulnerable adults, must comply with diocesan policies and with applicable state and local laws. Example: This does not include participants in ministry programs, e.g. those attending a bible study where minors are present. It does include the ministry volunteer/leader who is leading the bible study.
Safe Environment Training:
The Office of Safe Environment provides online training curriculums and screenings through a database platform entitled CMG Connect which monitors compliance of employees and volunteers involved in supervisory roles with minors or vulnerable adults. All training is accessed through our Diocesan website. When asked to identify your parish, select: St. James the Just Catholic Church - Ogden, UT.
Adults and Minors (11-17yo) need to complete the Safe Environment training:
Choose ONE of the following:
I am a minor child, ages 11-17yo:
click here.
There is no background check included or required for minors.
I am an adult, ages 18+, click here.
A background check will be included automatically at the end of the safe environment training.
These training curriculums are in place to educate and assist in preventing harm to the most vulnerable, our children and vulnerable adults participating in the ministries, programs, and activities in the Diocese of Salt Lake City.
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